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Showing posts from February, 2021

A Comprehensive Explanation of absolutely Nothing

What was the most ludicrous, the most over-the-top silly idea in the grand history of ideas? Shall I hazard a guess and say that it was something?... Anything?    There was nothing. No space; no time, no... thing. It was empty, nay, there wasn't even emptiness; no context nor purpose whatsoever. Stable, were everything, of the nothing that existed. No tendency to move forward, no reason to go back; not even time existed for decay to occur. The still, cold deadly silence of the cosmos, with nothing and nowhere in it.    Out in the absence of everything, a possibility was conjured; an attempt so insanely absurd that the very conception of the idea was twisted.  "What if there were something?"  Something to stand out from the ridiculous lack of anything; something to break up the omnipotent stability of 'nothing'? What if there were something, so that there is a directionality to the all-embracing monotone? A will to go forth, and a reson to head back; what if...