What was the most ludicrous, the most over-the-top silly idea in the grand history of ideas? Shall I hazard a guess and say that it was something?... Anything?
There was nothing. No space; no time, no... thing. It was empty, nay, there wasn't even emptiness; no context nor purpose whatsoever. Stable, were everything, of the nothing that existed. No tendency to move forward, no reason to go back; not even time existed for decay to occur. The still, cold deadly silence of the cosmos, with nothing and nowhere in it.
Out in the absence of everything, a possibility was conjured; an attempt so insanely absurd that the very conception of the idea was twisted.
"What if there were something?"
Something to stand out from the ridiculous lack of anything; something to break up the omnipotent stability of 'nothing'?
What if there were something, so that there is a directionality to the all-embracing monotone? A will to go forth, and a reson to head back; what if there were... time? And other things?
And deep in the nebula of the absolute lack of anything, a scream of purpose was heard. For no apparent reason or result, out of nothing, something... everything was created. Our universe exploded into existence. Time, the forces, fields, matter, the fundementals that make up you and me were created. Out of chaos, laws; order was created. Instability spawned out of perfect balance. The big bang happened.
But a single question remains...
what for?
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